Kalliz Ostorechem – Rita Rose
Lyrics & Music: Alfred Rose
Vocalist: Rita Rose
Kalliz Ostorechem – Lyrics
Ghorkar to mogacho, kopit tho tarvacho
Mhunno maka, mannka roddonaka
Hi Bochuddi addlea, hea pinzrean dovorlea
Mojeo fiuninim poi xikoileat tika
Mozo ugddass etoch, moje ubau etoch
Bochudd’dexim vochonk visronaka
Ti fiunim ghalteli, khuxealui korteli
Sodanch urber dovortoli tuka
Bochuddi uddnam marta, sodankal fiunim ghalta
Teo fiunim ghalun, tuzo ugddass addta
Kalliz mojem suskarta, tukach moga tem axeta
Hem bochuddek sangon, sang kiteak upkarta
Pinzrean bitor assa, ti maka polleta
Ti uloita tem maka sozmonam
Ulhas hea kallzache, ulhas te mogache
Bochuddek sangon kosloch faidonam
Ugddas tuzo kortam, anv dukham golloitam
Ti bochuddi maka buzvonn dinam
Dis rath fiunim galta tuzo ugddas addta
Ghorkarnichea ubau ti sozmonam
Maka tum tuje sorxim vor, tuje vinn naka dista ghor
Maka fugar korta, eksurponnachem dor
Tunvem toddun kaddleim, ambeachea zaddachem tor
Mojea kusvean assa, tujea rogtachem por
Gharan radio vazta, tape recordei vazta
Punn sang anv konna borim nachtelim
Sezarcheo ghov bailo aiz zoddienuch bonvta
Punn sang anv koxim zoddien bonvtelim
Tarvar than tum ietoch tuje abras ghetoch
Ti Bochuddi anv soddun ditelim
Tea nirmoll mogacho tuka montor martelim
Ani pinzrean bond korun dovortolim
Koslem hem sukh kazarachem
Koslem dukh eksurponnachem
Punn hem chintop mojem, be-ufegachem
Tarvar tum vochonai zalear, jivit zaumchemnam amchem
Bhov thodde sozmotat, kalliz ostorechem
Bhov thodde sozmotat, kalliz ostorechem
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