Tunch Mozo Sovmi – Konkani Gospel Song
Singing & Music by Sydney Dias
Tunch mozo sovmi, tunch mozo dev
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo rochnar, tunch mozo donni
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo addhar, tunch mozem boll
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo aasrro, tunch mozem sukh
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch jezu uzvaad mozo
Sandleleank alasiro
Visvas tujeaer mozo teuvta
Tunch jezu killav mozo
Mog na ani tujiea osslo
Davun tujie sorxim yeta.
Tunch mozo sovmi, tunch mozo dev
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo rochnar, tunch mozo donni
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch jezu sangat mozo
Vait velar addhar tuzo
Gopant tujiea sontos kitlo
Tunch jezu arrayi mozo
Kurpecho somdir zoso
Tarrok moziea jivitacho
Tunch mozo addhar, tunch mozem boll
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo aasrro, tunch mojem sukh
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo sovmi, tunch mozo dev
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
Tunch mozo rochnar, tunch mozo donni
Vakhann’nni tuka kallzant-thaun
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Read More – True Stories
My Love For You Will Never Die
It was the 1st day of college, like any other freshman Jonas had high expectations as to how will he spend these four years in college. How will the professors be? What type of classmates will he get and so on.
Just as he entered the college premises, a beautiful girl passed by his side and he immediately got attracted towards her, but due to the crowd, he lost sight of her. Jonas walked few steps towards her and tried to find her but she was nowhere around.
After a week he saw her again and since then, she would just linger in his mind all day. The next day in a course of the conversation, he inquired about her with some of his friends and got her name.