Maddancho Soro – Tony Carr | Chris Perry
Music: Chris Perry
Lyrics in description
Maddancho Soro – Lyrics
Kaibore te madd amchea Goa xarak sobitai haddta
Tea maddanchea khustar aiz kitke render pott bhorta
Utthon sokauche, korun gaian te maddancher choddta
Kaddun tachi sur, korun soro bhailea ganvani dhaddta
Khorench maddancho oslo soro
Anink dusro nam boro
Inglez kitkoi pie punn maddacho don anneanchoch pielear puro
To Goenkarancho sant khoro
Tacho moipas soglleam thaim aro
Konnuim sick aslear pasun maddancho pielear rokddoch zata boro
Khorench maddancho oslo soro
Anink dusro nam boro
Inglez kitkoi pie punn maddacho don anneanchoch pielear puro
To Goenkarancho sant khoro
Tacho moipas soglleam thaim aro
Konnuim sick aslear pasun maddancho pielear rokddoch zata boro
Kaiborea maddachea sorea tuka soglle paiam poddtai
Bombainche bhau tuka choriam pieunk poddta mhunnon roddtai
Kalliz tujem ekdom sap tum sogllea thaim voddtai
Ani bailo dekhun tuka Bombaim ietanam kapddan guttlaun haddtai
Iloso piexi sukhan jiexi
Monant borim chintnam haddtai
Atancheo bailo pasun maddacho pieun gharan ghovam lagim zhogoddtai
Konnank fors naslear pasun
Taka apxinch fors choddta
Fokot don kalxi pieun nidxi tor
Moddkeachim sopnam pasun poddta
Iloso piexi sukhan jiexi
Monant borim chintnam haddtai
Atancheo bailo pasun maddacho pieun gharan ghovam lagim zhogoddtai
Konnank fors naslear pasun
Taka apxinch fors choddta
Fokot don kalxi pieun nidxi tor
Moddkeachim sopnam pasun poddta
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Secluded and hidden beaches in Goa? Goa is a top holiday destination hence there are many beaches in Goa. Whichever beach you visit, you will find a lot of crowds. There are few beaches that are or can be considered beautifully secluded and hidden beaches. And to reach on these beaches is little difficult due to the remote locations or bad complicated roads.
Therefore, the beautiful secluded and hidden beaches are few but surely they are worth visiting. Hence, to reach these secluded beaches you will have to take the help of local people on the way as you travel because you have to keep on asking them every time you feel you have lost the way.